Thursday, October 22, 2009


DON'T FORGET THE BAKE SALE IS THIS MONDAY! If you have signed up to work the table PLEASE do not forget. If for some reason you can't make it at the time you signed up please do your best to let either myself or somebody working the table already know that you will not be able to make it. Also could you PLEASE try to be on time to your scheduled time so that the people working the prior shift can make it to their next class or work on time! Here is the list of people who have signed up to work the table:

8:30 - 9:30
Alexander Kimm (Please do not forget to pick up the cash box PRIOR to the bake sale start)

9:30 - 10:30
Alexander Kimm
Melanie Lapsley
Alejandro Medina Meza
Marissa Potter

10:30 - 11:30
Jody Mathews
Melanie Lapsley
Barbara Kisling

11:30 -12:30
Melanie Lapsley
Patricia Bradford
W.G. Kincheloe
Kim P.

12:30 - 1:30
Melanie Lapsley
Patricia Bradford

Whoever is working the last shift of the bake sale needs to make sure that the cash box is given to the treasurer at the end of the bake sale so that funds can be deposited and accounted for!

If you can not remember if you signed up to bring items to the bake sale then here is the list of names that I have of those who signed up to bring items:

Jody Mathews
Melanie Lapsley
Patricia Bradford
W.G. Kincheloe
Nick McShane
Jessica Masen
Denise Dennis
Candyce Conley
Sierra Morford
Laura Salgado
Kimberly Patzkowski
Teresa Murphy
Mike Hays

I ask that if you bring items for the bake sale you bring them to our table downstairs where the bake sale will be held BEFORE the start of class and before the start of the bake sale so that we will have adequate time to set up and make sure that all items are priced. It would be VERY helpful to us in pricing items if you could bring them already priced, BUT if you don't it is not a major just means we will need to set prices on more items. Please DO NOT FORGET that if you bring brownies, cookies, etc. they need to be INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED. If it is not individually wrapped then we have to sell it as an entire item which could mean that we do not sell that item. There are some additional requirements for the bake sale as far as what can't be brought (items that need to be kept cold, etc.), but I don't think we will have an issue with those and I will double check with Mike to ensure what those requirements are and to make sure that they are announced during Friday's meeting.

Thank you to everybody who has signed up to help! With all of the goodies that people are saying they will be bringing I think this bake sale will be a HUGE success!

1 comment:

  1. I heard that the bake sale was a great success! Congratulations to every one that made some goodies as well as the folks that ran the booth!
    This is exactly why I love PBL, there is participation on many fronts. If a person isn't working at one event, then there is someone at another. We are always doing something and everyone is contributing!
