Friday, April 16, 2010

Weekly Meeting Notes 4/16

Key Notes:

Needing to Find out heads of commitees and their back ups by tuesday 4/20

Community Service- Mandatory community service, Highway clean-up this quarter: Approved. paper should be sent around to approve date

Fund Raising- Yard Sale/Car Wash/ BBQ, may 22nd and 23rd Donations from around campus: approved
Kiss A pig, Finals week: Approved
Flower, Info Seeking to sell flowers at daytons Gradation: Approved

Media-Passed out a tentative schedule of events.
Contact Dorthy for more info.

ASB Rep: Women's Center flower power on may 20th
Free bowling, Monday
Make sure you sign in to show that you are here every friday.

Mike Hays- Next Assignment: read articals on the K drive.
Group 5 reponsible for geust Speaker on Wednesday 4/21
Think of weather or not to lend money to Clarkston towards their nationals trip to Nashville.

Elizabeth- Tipsy Taxi fundraising, Bring Awareness April 24, Lend the name for the emdorsement of PBL for the event in the dome: Approved

Thanx for Attending the Meeting's
Vice President: Josh T. Gaither

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