Friday, February 26, 2010

PBL Cookbooks available NOW

From cooking in the classroom to cooking in the bookstore!

Members of Phi Beta Lambda had put together a cookbook in this last year with many creative folks in our club donating recipes to this nicely bound, wonderfully decorated book ranging from breads to candies, dinners to desserts, this thing has it all...well, a lot to say the least!

For quite some time, this cookbook was only available through a PBL club member or by visiting the PBL advisor's office. Well no longer! For a limited time, you can find our cookbook, "Cooking In The Classroom" at the local Walla Walla Hastings Entertainment store for a modest $11.99!

This cookbook features more than just the classy cover shown here and the beautiful inserts but also a picture of our class and list of students that made this book possible as well as what a person really wants in a cookbook- FOOD RECIPES! You will soon be making appetizers and beverages, soups and salads, veggies and side dishes, main dishes, Breads and rolls, desserts, cookies and candies and MORE! The ten pages of cookies and candies alone will keep you occupied for days, creating masterpiece upon masterpiece that your family and friends will enjoy...if you decide to share!

Congratulations PBL for the creation of this amazing book, you are a club that makes things happen and this is a perfect shining example of that!

To all of you bakers out there, remember, supplies are limited so if you want to have a rare opportunity to see some famous candy recipes not shared anywhere else, hit Hastings Entertainment and tell them you want your copy of the PBL cookbook, Cooking From The Classroom for only $11.99!

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Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Revolution Begins

Friday, February 12, 2010


Walla Walla Community College & WSU GEAR UP
Help 8th grade students explore their future!

“Charting Your Course for Success”
8th grade Career Day
Monday, March 22, 2010

Volunteer to Help:
550 students will be participating this year!
Participating schools include: College Place, Dayton, Prescott, Touchet and Walla Walla Middle Schools—Garrison & Pioneer.

Student Volunteers are needed for the following positions:
· Student Leaders (5 hours Community Service, including orientation) $275
· Greeters/Senders (1 hour Community Service, including orientation) Volunteer ONLY
· Presentation Assistants (5hours Community Service, including orientation) Volunteer ONLY
· Water Dispensers & Cups (2.5 hours Community Service, including orientation) $50

Interested clubs must contact Gretchen Hormel-Tomkins no later than Friday, February 19, 2010 and state what area they are interested in volunteering for 8th Grade Career Day 2010.

ASB club stipends are being offered on a first-come-first-serve basis. If your club is interested in volunteering and wants to make money doing it, contact:

Gretchen Hormel-Tomkins
Or check out her webpage at:

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baking and Decorating Cookies

We are baking and Decorating Cookies from Feb 8th to Feb 11th from the 1pm to 4pm at the EV center. People who signed up for this are:
Valerie, Kim, Sierra, Jessica R., Lori and Mell.

Feb 10 2010 Basketball Game

The next Basketball goodie raffle is on Feb 10, This is also a black out the dome night so please were black.
The following people have signed up to work the game:
Kim 5-7
Louis 5-9
Alex 5-9
Lori 5-7
The following people have signed up to bring goodies:
Sierra, Kim, Maye, Marissa, Laura, Sibyl, Debra, Alice, Teresa, Jon, Jessica, Nick, Hillary, and Sarah
Please have goodies there by 5pm thank you.

Delivery of Cookies

Hillary, WG and Laura will be set up around the knee area on Feb 12th from 12-2 delivering the cookies

Cookie Dough

The following people have signed up to make cookie dough:
Maye, Sierra, Hillary, Lori Tricia, Debra, Lacy, Terry, Jessica M. Jon, Tanya, Sarah and Kim.
It needs to be brought to the viticulture center on Monday or you can drop it off at my house at 321 S. Wilbur Ave by Sunday. The reciepe is as follows:

We also need to double this

Soft Sugar Cookies Lofthouse Style
Temp 375
Time 8-10 min

5 Cups Flour
1 tsp Baking powder
1/2 tsp. Baking Soda
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 Cup Butter, softened
2 Cup White sugar
2 Eggs
1 tsp. Vanilla
1 Cup Sour Cream

Sift together first five ingredients and set aside. In a large bowl cream together the butter and sugar until smooth. Beat in the egg, vanilla and sour cream until well blended. Stir in the sifted ingredients. Wrap dough in plastic wrap and chill overnight.
Roll to 1/4 inch thinkness and cut into desired shapes. Bake 8-10 minutes in 375 degree oven.
Ice with cream cheese Icing